For me, the most challenging part of shopping with 2 littles is logistics. Usually I unbuckle Audrey and let her wiggle out. I go to the other side of the car, put the diaper bag on, then take out Abigail. I go back to Audrey's side and help her climb down. Carrying the infant carrier on one arm, wearing the diaper bag and holding Audrey's hand while trying to walk through a busy parking lot is hard. When we get into the store I get the obnoxiously huge cart where 2 kids can ride in the front. I put Abigail on top (I know, it's bad and you're not supposed to do it but I promise I'm super careful and I also don't care what anyone thinks.) Audrey sits in the front and she gets buckled in and we're good to go!
Of course on this night there is not a single cart to be had. So we ended up with a regular-sized cart. Abigail went in her usual spot but Audrey had to walk. Which she actually loved doing. And it went well! She kept up with me, didn't touch anything, and every once in awhile she'd hop onto the side so we could speed up a bit. When we got in line she was thrilled that she could freely play with the little Barbies in the checkout lane (she's so good though, she puts them right back when it's time to go!) But then came the challenge of walking back out to the car. I couldn't push the cart AND hold her hand at the same time. Before I had time to really think about a solution, Audrey slid right onto the bottom. I was skeptical but she was tucked in really well and I told her she had to stay there until we got to the car.
I walked super slow, talking to her the whole time. She was having a blast! Luckily we were parked super close and as soon as we got back to the car I slid her out and put her in. Now she always wants to walk in the grocery store. So the last couple times we've gone I let her do it. She continues to be super good but I still get the large cart for when we're walking out!
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