Sunday, February 26, 2012

2.6.12: Bubble Wrap is Just Plain Cool {171}

I was making the bed when Audrey noticed the mattress pad control. We keep Chris's covered because he never uses it. *Note to self- pack some bubble wrap in the diaper bag for long waiting room times!)

2.5.12: Grading Papers {170}

I must've been feeling very motivated because I was grading papers at home while the girls were awake, lol. Audrey really wanted to help and it just so happened that there was a paper in the stack from a boy that had moved away. She did an excellent job!

2.4.12: Reading {169}

Audrey wanted to read to Abby as she drank her morning bottle.

2.3.12: Hi! {168}

I stood her up for this shot because she got the biggest kick out of it :) You can tell by the red mark on her head that she tried many times, lol. Today was her 9 mo appointment. She weighs 21 lbs and is 28 inches long. Still in the 95th percentile :)

2.2.12: Almost standing up! {167}

2.1.12: New Discovery {166}

Abigail has been exploring more of the house. She loves the play kitchen and the back door (where she can watch the dogs.)

Sunday, February 12, 2012